Thursday, 22 July 2004

Sylvia Browne, Thursday 22nd July 2004

Here are the latest predictions from Sylvia Browne. She was talking with George Noory.

She can't see past 100 years into the future. This is either because it is impossible for her to do that or it is the end times. She thinks in 100 years time we will experience the end times.
In a previous interview she said there was no such thing as the end times.

Osama Bin Laden is dead. His kidneys failed him and his body has been hidden.
Wrong. Osama Bin Laden released a video message on 29th October. In it he mentions Bush and Kerry proving that it was made recently.

She continues to brag about her prediction that Saddam Hussein would be caught before the end of 2003.
Not surprising as this is probably the only prediction she has come close to getting right. This was a 50/50 chance, yes he will be caught before the end of 2003 or no he won't. Her prediction also said he would be found dead. In a later interview she said she saw him underground thats why she thought he was dead. She never mentioned this in the original prediction.

She still says Yellowstone will erupt soon.
She said in October 2003 that Yellowstone would erupt between January - March 2004. Her excuse is that sometimes she gets the date wrong. So every time she gets it wrong she just puts the prediction date back a little. Eventually she will get it right. Then she won't stop mentioning that she got a hit, just like the Saddam prediction.

Aliens aren't little green men.

Atlantis will rise in 2023. It is spread all over the Atlantic Ocean.

In the future death penalty executions will be carried out by a vapourising of the body. This is more humane.

Human growth hormone and stem cell research will find cures for lots of diseases including ALS, MS and cancer. A new laser type treatment for blindness and cancer.

Sylvia can't predict anything for herself, thats why she can't win the lottery or predict when her marriages would end.

A man claiming to be Christ will come out of Syria.

John Kerry will win the election.

There are no WMD's in Iraq.
Not difficult to call this one. Another 50/50 prediction. Of the worlds population you can count on one hand the number of people who thought there were WMD's in Iraq.

US troops will be home by the end of the year.
Wrong, US troops are still in Iraq at the end of 2004. She previously said they would be home by June or July this year.

She is concerned with China. If there is nuclear war it will be between the US and China.

North Korea is a concern too around 2010.

She can't see any peace in the Middle East.

There was a past civilisation on Earth that went to the Moon. They were helped by extra terrestrials.

We will see a lot of asteroid activity in 2021. Between 2021 - 2029 we will be hit.

Mount Rainier will erupt in 7 years.

Science will come around to a more spiritual sense.

She doesn't see the Ed Dames killshot from the Sun.

The Democratic National Convention in Boston will be safe. No terrorist action.
Correct. No terrorist action.

There will be a one world government.

Global weather. Hurricanes in 2028. Topography will change in the Pacific Northwest and Hawaii due to seismographic and volcanic activity. 2030 flooding and tidal waves in Australia and Tasmania. East Coast of the US and Japan will be flooded around 2019.

US Olympic atheletes will be safe in Greece.
Correct. The atheletes were safe.

Orbs are angels. Infra red cameras are best to photograph orbs.

Reincarnation is real. Sylvia has been reincarnated 54 times.

No martial law in the US.

The Mayan calendar ended in 2012 because they just got tired of writing it down.

She sees foulplay in the Eugene Malove death. She won't name who was involved.

We will become far more advanced in solar power.

Hurricane season this year will be really bad.

There are no immortal people running around on Earth.

Edgar Cayce was Sylvia's hero.

Marijuana will be made legal for medical purposes.

On the subject of terrorism she said she was concerned about trains and that she was justified in saying this when the train was bombed in Madrid. She doesn't want people going to Jerusalem or India.

Humans have five exits points, five points in time that we could die. The next point is the final one and we die.

The Anastasi Indians depleted their soil and just moved on.

Some people do have past lives on alien planets. There are no new souls, they are just recycled.

Investment. The only place to put your money is in property. California real estate will get higher.

There will be an NHL strike before the new season starts.

The drought in the west will be over by September.

She doesn't see a lot of terrorist attacks in the US in the near future.

We will see the end of the common cold soon.

The Dominican Republic economy will pick up.

The guy winning on Jeopardy at the moment will carry on winning for another month.
Wrong. Jeopardy is on summer break and won't be back until September. Pity her psychic ability didn't tell her this. UPDATE - Jeopardy returned after a summer of reruns and as of today 25th October Ken Jennings is still winning. 30th November, Ken Jennings finally lost his 74 game winning streak, winning $2,520,700.

The pyramids in Egypt were built by aliens.

The institution of marriage will end in 2020.

If John Kerry becomes President he will not use NATO forces to enforce his changes to the Constitution.

Laws will be passed within 2 years to have some kind of holding place for immigrants from Mexico to be checked out and prevent illness.

2020 before education system will be changed. A new home education system will be established.

There is no such thing as a curse.

Michael Horn

Michael Horn is the US representative of Billy Meier. He was talking with George Noory. Most of the predictions I have already documented in the last interview. There is a prediction that is about to come true according to Meier that will happen this September. After September I think we will see this guy in the same light as Nancy Lieder.

Comet Toutatis will threaten the Earth on September 29th 2004. Meier predicted this in 1978.

The Red Meteor will strike Earth in the Bering Sea or North Sea or the Red Sea.

The aliens won't give a date for this although they give a hint that the year will add up to 3, ie 2001, 2010 or 2019.

The pyramids were built over 73,000 years ago by aliens from Orion.