Monday, 1 January 2007

Predictions Special for 2007

Joseph Jacobs
A greater growth in psychic awareness this year.

A lot more information about UFO's.

A 2007 will be a heavy year with lots of casualties as a result of war, climate and terrorism.

July to September will be a heavy time worldwide.

The United Nations will be very active and so will Pope Benedict.

January 31st - March 24th the US economy will hit a wall as well as in September and October.

End of June - August Osama Bin Laden will have some involvement with North Korea. A bit of sabre rattling.

Florida will have some problems during September/October.

August 26th - October 17th some problems for Israel.

Japan may have some water difficulties August 15th - beginning of October, maybe a tsunami.

China could show a belligerent side involving military activity from the end of February - April 1st.

Paul Guercio and Dr. George Hart of the Merlin Project
Iraq war will drag on until 2011.

Russia will be making a resurgence.

China can dictate the strength of the US dollar.

Hillary Clinton's campaign will collapse.

John Edwards with Barack Obama as his VP, Gov. Mitt Romney, and Mike Bloomberg (running under a third-party) are the likely Presidential candidates in the 2008 race.

The lull in terrorism will change most likely in 2007.

Rosie O'Donnell and Katie Couric will fail in their career choices.

Al Gore is waiting to be asked to run, but no one will ask him.

I didn't bother with numbers lady Glynis McCants.

Louis Turi (He's not a real doctor, he bought it)
2007 will be one of the most shocking years for natural disasters, quakes,explosions and volcanoes.

Incredible discoveries in heart surgery.

Amazing advances in technology and a total restructuring of NASA.

A lot of action with UFO's.

A lot of airlines will merge as well as TV networks.

January 3rd we will have some shocking bad news, maybe an earthquake.

January 12th and 19th more shocking bad news.

More TV work for George Noory.

Children will be more susceptible to negative forces and illnesses.

The internet will be restructured because of sexual predators.

Devastating earthquakes in the US/Asia in February and August 2007.

An oil company will merge. I couldn't understand the name because of his accent.

More death and drama in the war in the Middle East.

Serious secrets and deals and even threats from the Middle East, aimed at the US around August and the end of the year.

Serious fire in the summer.

Problems with the Pope's health and his handling of religion in April and October.

News of a death that will touch George Bush and Bill Clinton.

France and Italy will display some interesting news that will not be positive.

Serious scary news concerning US nuclear plants in the US, with a possible accident.

A new bacterial disease will hit in March.

An increase in heart attacks will occur.

He predicted last year that a famous actor would die and says it came true when Steve Irwin was killed. WOW his accuracy is amazing, who would have thought a famous actor dying in 2006?

Very interesting news about Mars, maybe running water underground.

February dates for concern 1st, 9th, 17th and 28th.

Sean David Morton
George asked Sean how many shows has he been on now? I'll tell you, too many.

2007 will see a great division between people listening to their inner voice and those that don't.

The Dow Jones will go over 13,000 but this is being driven by only 30 companies that are merging and buying each other out. This is not a good thing for the economy, and it will precede a global collapse.

Nutracea shares will hit $3 and in six months will hit $4.

Gold will hit $725 in the next four months.

The US inflation rate will hit 20-25% by March, June at the latest.

After the US dollar is devalued, the Amero, a currency for use in the US, Canada and Mexico will be introduced.

I didn't bother with astrologist Susan Miller.

Gerald Celente
Real estate recession will not get any better.

'Medical Tourism' in which Americans are increasingly going overseas for medical treatment (especially dental and plastic surgery) will continue to grow this year.

There are entrepreneurial opportunities for Americans in China, which still looks towards the US for innovation.

An Internet candidate for President could rise to prominence in 2007.

Psychic Calendar 2007

January 3rd we will have some shocking bad news, maybe an earthquake - Louis Turi

January 12th more shocking bad news - Louis Turi

January 16th/17th possible nuclear missile attack involving Iran - John Hogue

January 19th more shocking bad news - Louis Turi

January 31st - March 24th US economy will hit a wall - Joseph Jacobs

Bilderburger Group want the worldwide oil price at $150 a barrel by early 2007 - Sean David Morton

There will be a nuclear exchange - Louis Turi

February 1st date for concern - Louis Turi

February 9th date for concern - Louis Turi

February 17th date for concern - Louis Turi

February 28th date for concern - Louis Turi

Devastating earthquakes in US and Asia - Louis Turi

February - April 1st China could show a belligerent side involving military activity - Joseph Jacobs


The US inflation rate will hit 20-25%, June at the latest - Sean David Morton

A new bacterial disease will hit - Louis Turi

Within the next 90 days there will be a 7.0+ earthquake in the Japan region - Sean David Morton
True. 7.1 earthquake off the west coast of Honshu, 25th March. Initially it was announced as a 7.1 quake, but now different reports put it at anything between 5.1 and 6.9.

Within 90 days there will be a series of earthquakes just northeast of Seattle, along the Canadian coast up to Alaska - Sean David Morton

Pope Benedict is very ill with blockages in his kidneys and disease around his pancreas that maybe cancer. His true health is being kept from the public. He will deteriorate very rapidly in the next few months - Sean David Morton


Nuclear reactor incident in western Russia, major radiation leak, this month or next - Ed Dames
Wrong for April.

April 7th is the date when the US will be ready to go to war with Iran - Sean David Morton

Gold will hit $725 - Sean David Morton
Wrong. The highest it reached was about $693.

Problems with the Pope's health and his handling of religion - Louis Turi


Nuclear reactor incident in western Russia, major radiation leak, last month or this - Ed Dames

6th June 2007 we will see an inflation rate of 25% - Sean David Morton

End of June - August Osama Bin Laden will have some involvement with North Korea. A bit of sabre rattling - Joseph Jacobs

Nutracea shares will hit $4 - Sean David Morton


July - September will be a heavy time worldwide - Joseph Jacobs

Serious fire in the summer - Louis Turi


There will be a nuclear exchange - Louis Turi

August 2nd US inflation rate will be 25% - 30% - Sean David Morton

Devastating earthquakes in US and Asia - Louis Turi

Serious secrets and deals and even threats from the Middle East, aimed at the US around August and the end of the year - Louis Turi

August 15th - beginning of October Japan may have some water difficulties, maybe a tsunami - Joseph Jacobs

August 26th - October 17th some problems for Israel - Joseph Jacobs

US economy will hit a wall - Joseph Jacobs

September - October Florida will have some problems - Joseph Jacobs

September - October Fidel Castro will die - Sean David Morton


US economy will hit a wall - Joseph Jacobs

Problems with the Pope's health and his handling of religion - Louis Turi


November 2007 will begin a financial meltdown - Sean David Morton


There will be some trouble with USC football - Sean David Morton