Thursday, 12 January 2006

Ed Dames, Tuesday 12th January 2006

Here are the latest predictions from Ed Dames. He was talking with George Noory on the tv prediction show special.

His remote viewing team see huge pits full of dead birds covered with lime, but there will be no human variant of the Avian Flu in the US in the next 12 months.

There will be a very destructive earthquake in the Seattle - Tacoma area. The ocean will come inland but he isn't sure how far.

Prior to that there will be a black mold problem in Florida and the Gulf Coast States causing a lot of deaths.

Beyond 2006 and 2007 the picture he sees for the US is very grim. He sees lots of babies dying because of lack of milk. Mad Cow Disease will mean a huge cull of all bovine species.
You can't give babies milk or milk products till they are around 2 years old. They need formula, they can't digest milk products yet.

Sean David Morton, Tuesday 12th January 2006

Here are the latest predictions from Sean David Morton. He was talking with George Noory on the tv prediction show special..

Earth changes. Three earthquakes to hit April to October in Northern California.

Middle East. Iraq will divide into 3 separate nations. US will attack Syria in the next 6 months.

Things will get worse for President Bush. Plane Gate, the whole thing with Valerie Plane will come down.

Indictments against Karl Rove and his unindicted co-conspirators Dick Cheney. Dick Cheney will leave his position as Vice President. He sees a man with dark hair taking over this position. Maybe Condolezza Rice or Jeb Bush will take over.

There will not be a political power shift this year. The democrats will not make up any ground until 2008 if Hillary Clinton is their candidate. He sees Jeb Bush as the republican candidate in 2008.

Economics. There will will be some very hard times this year. There will be hyperinflation. The mortgage bubble will pop sometime around May and through the summertime.

Gold will be at an all time high. By January it will be at $525. By June/July it will hit $725, August at the latest.

One last big run of the stock market then it will crash in September/October.

Good stocks to buy are entertainment companies, computer entertainment companies.

Education companies and construction companies are good buys.

Winter will be savage this year, especially on the east coast. Therefore gas prices will rise to about $80 a barrel.

Overall 2006 the will be a great surge towards spirituality.

Once again we are told that Sean David Morton gets more hits than Barry Bonds. Maybe this should now be changed to: A blind sniper has more hits than Sean David Morton.

Hans King

Here are the latest predictions from Hans King. He was talking with George Noory on the tv predictions show special.

In 2006 the democrats will regain control.

There will be talk of impeachment before March, April or May however he doesn't think it will work.

Dick Cheney will have to step down.

Donald Rumsfeld will be caught up in a scandal, accused of lying to Congress.

Economy. Oil prices will moderate.

There will be a moderate recession in 2006.

Don't buy houses this year.

Earth changes. The is going to be more and more hurricanes.

There will be some severe earthquakes in 2006.

Further into the future he sees global warming and the flooding of some nations.

Nations like Pilau and some Micronesia countries literally will go under water. In the next 10 - 12 years Florida will be threatened by flooding.

There will not be an Avian Flu pandemic. There will be isolated spots that will be contained and controlled. The US does not need to worry about Avian Flu. No need to vaccinate your children or yourself.

Joseph Jacobs

Here are the latest predictions from Joseph Jacobs. He was talking with George Noory on the tv predictions show special.

2006 is a snowball year. The good stuff will get even better. The bad stuff will get worse.

This will be a good year for business internationally. January is a disaster month, we will see a lot of financial losses. The same goes for October.

It will be a very productive year. We will see lots of demonstrations, unions organizing and trying to influence labor situations.

Oil and petroleum will continue to be a big issue.

August will also be a pretty heavy month.

March 22nd and July 3rd there will be a blockage in the United States, including legal situations in March/April. Labor issues will expand.

End of January until May 15th Bush will have a difficult time, people will be leaving his administration.

Tony Blair will have a rough year after May and may be thinking of leaving or may be forced to leave.

May 14th until July 4th is a tough time for Israel.

Japan is going through a two year cycle that is kind of up and down. Its a difficult re-organization time governmentally and other ways.

January 17th until April 30th North Korea seems ok. They seem to be opening up more to other nations. Maybe some of Dr Turi's fans could relocate there?

July 26th until September 16th is a difficult time for New York.

Avian Flu. He sees heavy losses of people in 2007.

August. Health issues, natural disasters and war. A bummer for the summer then.

Dangerous flooding in August worldwide.

2007 is a year of UFO contact possibilities. There will be some contact in Fall 2009, Klaatu Barada Nikto.

Ed Dames Forum Debate

Today I had a weird debate over at the Ed Dames message forum. I was later banned and the thread was deleted.

Basically these people are saying I misquoted Ed Dames and that I lied. So I have listened to the interview again and gone through it with a fine toothed comb and below is a word for word transcript with the sections that concern the space shuttle.

Ed Dames: In this case for the beginning of the killshot sequence we have this..these elements in place, we have a meteor shower, we have a shuttle up, and we have a shuttle coming back down, but remember I didn't say it lands... I said its coming back down, never said landed... yea thats were I'm gonna pull a punch on this show.. and..

Art Bell: Well thats a pretty big punch...

Ed Dames: Its a big punch

Art Bell: ....because the implication of this is that it doesn't land, that something catastrophic occurs...

Ed Dames: or it doesn't pull out....from its bay, but the point is that we have seen it pull pulling out, now all I'm saying pulling.. well why I'm saying pulling punches is say a prayer for this crew, thats all I'm saying

Art Bell: Well I've been doing that right along

Ed Dames: We all need to say more...because they need it, they're gonna need it...this time...yea, ..but ..the..this.. this ensemble.. the danger, the danger to both the space station and the shuttle if its still docked is that we may have unprecedented solar flares and remember the shot across the bow that er that I predicted would happen two weeks prior to its its occurrence at the end of 2003 was something that NASA could never predict, and thats the value of remote viewing

Later on...

Art Bell: I was quickly it would occur, I mean if this shuttle..awful shuttle stuff.. you know should rest of it then...maybe two years huh? not..not..tomorrow?

Ed Dames: No..I think...thats, thats my guess...but then again...this...errrrr...we just don't know, I mean, its only recently, only recently have we developed the advanced remote viewing techniques to put put a date on partners and I will be working that out in terms of the peak or the worst along this trajectory but we..we were kinda taken by surprise by this particular ensemble of events.

After the break...

Art Bell: Lets try this approach...erm..Ed look enough has already happened with the sun and the shuttle and the timing and the you know the meteor shower and all the rest of it..errrr..that we could call this a some kind of a hit, is there any possibility...that...errrrrr....its like close but no cigar, might not fold...unfold exactly and the shuttle might come home just fine and for some period of time everything would be OK cos you had it wrong. What percentage of possibility is there of that?

Ed Dames: We look at likelihoods in my business the same as in the intelligence business. The shuttle make it

Art Bell: safely?

Ed Dames:

Art Bell: er huh....

Ed Dames: could indeed make it back but the..the..what I'm saying is this...I'm... this....these elements are all lining up...

Art Bell: I know..I see them

Ed Dames: that point..exactly to this...this...this..harbinger event...

Art Bell: I know...that that much acknowledged it it possible that even though it seems....I grant you unlikely given whats already happened, but possible is it that it could be wrong?

Ed Dames: I would put probably an 80 to 85% likelihood based open my own 21 years of experience in error rates...I'd say theres a...a....maximum of 15% that it would be wrong.

Open line caller...

Caller: Good morning Art, I have a two part question if I may for you...

Art Bell: Sure

Caller: the first one would be for Ed... and Ed as a Walter Mitty astronaut I'm gonna hope like heck that you're wrong about the shuttle...

Ed Dames: me too

Dr. Louis Turi

Here are the predictions made by Dr Louis Turi when he appeared on George Noory's tv prediction special.

George starts off by again telling us that Dr Turi has an accuracy rating of 100%. This is not true.

February 11th People will be forced to relocate.

February 19th More terrorists attack. More dramatic news involving death and the police.

February 26th Explosions and earthquakes.

March 8th People will be forced to relocate again because of either an earthquake, an hurricane, a tornado or a volcano eruption.

March 13th He didn't want to tell us what was going to happen in case he scared people. As if earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes and volcanic eruptions aren't scary enough.

March 19th Another terrorist attack.

March 25th More earthquakes and explosions.

April 6th People will once again be forced to relocate. I bet they are getting pretty sick of this by now.

April 14th Even more terrorist attacks.

April 21st And he rounds off the month once again with those jolly good old earthquakes and explosions, plus he throws in a tornado to really get things going.

May 13th Yes its the middle of the month again and the terrorists will be be going crazy again.

June 7th Death/drama/Police/secrets/terrorism.

June 16th Explosions, earthquakes and tornadoes.

June 26th Relocate.

July 6th Some police corruption scandal will come to light. Whats more surprising is that no one will have to relocate. Maybe the police will be relocating? who knows.

July 13th The middle of this month the terrorists have taken a well deserved holiday and instead we are back to explosions and earthquakes.

July 23rd is another date were we have to be careful. Maybe he means be careful not to bump into a terrorist or walk into an explosion or upset any police.

August 9th They are back, explosions, earthquakes and tornadoes.

August 20th Beginning/ending of portion of life. I think he means relocate.

August 30th Death/drama/Police/secrets/terrorism.

September 7th The dreaded explosions, earthquakes and tornadoes once again.

September 16th Relocate, I can't be bothered typing any more than this.

September 25th The police are at it again, death/drama/Police/secrets/terrorism.

October 6th Explosions, earthquakes and tornadoes.

October 12th Relocate, if you have any money left.

October 22nd Death/drama/Police/secrets/terrorism.

November 9th Death/drama/Police/secrets/terrorism.

November 19th Relocate, wow what a surprise.

November 26th Explosions, earthquakes and tornadoes, who would ever have thought that?

December 7th Relocate. Oh good just in time for Christmas.

December 17th Death/drama/Police/secrets/terrorism.

December 24th Explosions, earthquakes and tornadoes. I guess thats Christmas ruined then.

February and August 2007 there will be a nuclear exchange. Well thank God for that, after such a boring 2006 its about time we had something different.

The laughable thing about this interview was that Dr. Turi actually had all this written down on a piece of paper. Why? its the same stuff each month.