Today I had a weird debate over at the Ed Dames message forum. I was later banned and the thread was deleted.
Basically these people are saying I misquoted Ed Dames and that I lied. So I have listened to the interview again and gone through it with a fine toothed comb and below is a word for word transcript with the sections that concern the space shuttle.
In this case for the beginning of the killshot sequence we have this..these elements in place, we have a meteor shower, we have a shuttle up, and we have a shuttle coming back down, but remember I didn't say it lands... I said its coming back down, never said landed... yea thats were I'm gonna pull a punch on this show.. and..
Well thats a pretty big punch...
Its a big punch
....because the implication of this is that it doesn't land, that something catastrophic occurs...
or it doesn't pull out....from its bay, but the point is that we have seen it pull pulling out, now all I'm saying pulling.. well why I'm saying pulling punches is say a prayer for this crew, thats all I'm saying
Well I've been doing that right along
We all need to say more...because they need it, they're gonna need it...this time...yea, ..but ..the..this.. this ensemble.. the danger, the danger to both the space station and the shuttle if its still docked is that we may have unprecedented solar flares and remember the shot across the bow that er that I predicted would happen two weeks prior to its its occurrence at the end of 2003 was something that NASA could never predict, and thats the value of remote viewing
Later on...
I was quickly it would occur, I mean if this shuttle..awful shuttle stuff.. you know should rest of it then...maybe two years huh? not..not..tomorrow?
No..I think...thats, thats my guess...but then again...this...errrrr...we just don't know, I mean, its only recently, only recently have we developed the advanced remote viewing techniques to put put a date on partners and I will be working that out in terms of the peak or the worst along this trajectory but we..we were kinda taken by surprise by this particular ensemble of events.
After the break...
Lets try this approach...erm..Ed look enough has already happened with the sun and the shuttle and the timing and the you know the meteor shower and all the rest of it..errrr..that we could call this a some kind of a hit, is there any possibility...that...errrrrr....its like close but no cigar, might not fold...unfold exactly and the shuttle might come home just fine and for some period of time everything would be OK cos you had it wrong. What percentage of possibility is there of that?
We look at likelihoods in my business the same as in the intelligence business. The shuttle make it
er huh.... could indeed make it back but the..the..what I'm saying is this...I'm... this....these elements are all lining up...
I know..I see them that point..exactly to this...this...this..harbinger event...
I know...that that much acknowledged it it possible that even though it seems....I grant you unlikely given whats already happened, but possible is it that it could be wrong?
I would put probably an 80 to 85% likelihood based open my own 21 years of experience in error rates...I'd say theres a...a....maximum of 15% that it would be wrong.
Open line caller...
Good morning Art, I have a two part question if I may for you...
Art Bell: Sure the first one would be for Ed... and Ed as a Walter Mitty astronaut I'm gonna hope like heck that you're wrong about the shuttle...
me too