Thursday 12 January 2006

Ed Dames, Tuesday 12th January 2006

Here are the latest predictions from Ed Dames. He was talking with George Noory on the tv prediction show special.

His remote viewing team see huge pits full of dead birds covered with lime, but there will be no human variant of the Avian Flu in the US in the next 12 months.

There will be a very destructive earthquake in the Seattle - Tacoma area. The ocean will come inland but he isn't sure how far.

Prior to that there will be a black mold problem in Florida and the Gulf Coast States causing a lot of deaths.

Beyond 2006 and 2007 the picture he sees for the US is very grim. He sees lots of babies dying because of lack of milk. Mad Cow Disease will mean a huge cull of all bovine species.
You can't give babies milk or milk products till they are around 2 years old. They need formula, they can't digest milk products yet.

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